Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Fall SWYSA Rec League tournament for the age group.
Girls 2013 Gold 7 - Submitted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Columbia Premier SC
CWSA 13G Rockstars -- James
n/a   Brett James
 A2 Pacific Soccer Club
PSCN G13 Nitro (W)
n/a   Natile Morris
 A3 Columbia Premier SC
VUSA 13G Girls On Fire - Leon
n/a   Mauro Leon
 A4 Columbia Premier SC
VUSA 13G The Phoenix - Westman
n/a   Shane Westman
 A5 Columbia Premier SC
VUSA 13G Tigers - Hornsby
n/a   Kevin Hornsby
 A6 Vancouver West Soccer Club
VW G13 Hornets
n/a   Michal Bartnik
 A7 Vancouver West Soccer Club
VW G13 Lightning Bugs
n/a   Torin Ruark